I started a regular practice several years ago, not only to give our Lord praise for everything, but to ask my Abba for help with little things that pop-up in life. As hard as I try, I am constantly looking for something...…my keys, sunglasses, some piece of paper from the school that needs to be signed, etc. Usually when something is lost I am also running late and do not have time to give a diligent search for the missing item.
My solution is to stop, acknowledge the Ruler of the Universe and send a short prayer for help. "Father, You know all things, please help me remember where I left my ____.” He is so faithful to quickly answer me, so I answer in gratitude and rush out the door. Thank you, LORD! I don’'t know why I am amazed each time He recues me. As I teach this practice to my children, I explained that God desires to be involved in all parts of our life. When we call on His Name, He will be faithful to answer.
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
Jehovah proved himself faithful to one of my sons, going through mid-term finals. He had worked on a project diligently the week before; double checked spelling and grammar. Everything was perfect! The morning the project was due he prepared to get to school early for a review before one of his other exams, but could not find the project! In a panic he called me at work. "Do you know where the project is...…I cant find it…...I am going to be late for school and miss the review…...there is one question that I don't know the answer to... I wont be able to ask about it…...did you see where I put it…?"
Working 20 minutes from our home there was no way I could help him look. I consoled him as best I could, and told him I would pray. As soon as I hung up the phone, I pleaded, "Lord, you know where the project is, please help my son (and Yours) remember where he placed it. Thank you, Father, for Your mercy.”
I call out to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. Psalm 3:4 NIV
When we profess to our children that God is faithful, we must stand still and allow our LORD work things out in His perfect timing? As much as I wanted to, I could not rush to rescue with a solution, although it would have made things much easier on both of us if I could have gone home, reprinted the paper and deliver it safely to school. I knew that this was an opportunity for my son to personally experience the Jehovah's faithfulness.
How often do we worry, run around trying to make things happen, put our own solutions to difficult situations in order to "help" our children? But is this really helping them? In the first part of Matthew 6, Jesus discusses prayer then follows up in the latter part of the same chapter speaking to the uselessness of us worrying. A coincidence? I think not. My take away verse says, "for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him" (v.8).
Our primary goal as parents is to teach our children to depend on the LORD, to rely on His provision and guidance, while at the same time we may be struggling to learn the same lesson for ourselves. If we do not completely believe our God to be faithful, we will not be able to teach our children or anyone else to trust Him. As we practice our faith in difficult situations, our children are watching us, learning to walk this journey called "life" for themselves. When we openly share how we trust our Abba Father for our problems, we are equipping our children with tools to do the same.
It is important to teach our children to pray and to praying with them so they can see Adonai's faithful fingerprints on their lives. To openly pray with someone else is a humbling experience. It may be awkward the first few times as you approach the throne, revealing feelings and vulnerabilities that otherwise might not be displayed. If prayer is an area you do not feel confident, practice, learn together as a family.
The pattern of prayer I have used over the years is provided in the Petra Prayer Guide found on our "More... " page. Teaching our children to speak with Elohim, is like a child sharing a hurt with a gentle father or grandfather. Adonai is waiting to hear from us, so crawl into His waiting arms. Call Him by Name. Humble yourself through confession. Thank Him for the wonderful gift of salvation, and the many other gifts He has lavished upon you. Pour out your heart to Him about your hurts, concerns and all the things you need. Lastly, listen for the answer.
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.
It was not until I returned home later that afternoon, that I learned how the Almighty had touched my son’s life. He recounted the unknown chain of events that occurred after our phone call. After we had talked on the phone that morning, my son had prayed then surrendered to the fact that he could not find the missing project, and left for school. When he arrived on campus, he remembered that he had placed the project in his locker the day before. "Just-in-case!” Hurrying to class, he arrived at the review just in time for the teacher to respond to another student asking the same question my son needed to be answered! In a matter of 10 minutes, Elohim had accomplished everything my son had asked for that morning. Not only did he make 100 on the final, but he got and “A” on the project! Praise the Name that is above all others. He is faithful!
When events are beyond our control, we must go beyond ourselves to the One who has everything under control.
Almighty King of the Universe, Please turn Your ear to hear the praise of Your child. Your word, O LORD, is right and true; You are faithful in all You do. (Psalm 33:4 NIV) Throughout history You are the same. To the faithful You show Yourself faithful, to the blameless You show Yourself blameless. (Psalm 18:25 NIV) In our need, we call on You to defend, protect, provide and redeem Your children. I am grateful for Your faithfulness. I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; LORD, do not delay. (Psalm 70:5 NIV). Amen.