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Foul line

Any one who knows my family of four sons know that a lifetime of hours has been spent at a baseball field. Twenty-two years and counting! Our oldest began at four, and our youngest is still going. Some years baseball has been year-round; event the majors get a few months off. If you are a baseball mom, or soccer mom, or basketball mom or football mom. You are an amazing selfless queen. Hang in there! I am convinced there is life after baseball, although I am not sure what I will be doing...

Baseball is an incredible game of mental endurance and quick reaction. I am ever amazed at the accomplishments of baseball players. I have seen first baseman jump to catcha a ball then swat the runner on the head as he ran by. Bases have been won through unconventional sliding techniques, some dirt was consumed I am sure. Through my many hours in the bleachers, a few godly lessons have been realized:

  • Foul lines are the boundary. God has established boundary lines for us. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance. Psalm 16:6 (NKJV) These lines help determine what is beneficial, and what is not good for us. These boundaries provide a distinction for where our lives, like the game, should be played in a manner established by the LORD.

  • The umpire has the last word, and it is useless to argue. At the end of the day, the Umpire is the keeper of the rules. Our God wrote the rules and His word is infallible, He makes the final decisions in every situation whether we agree or not. He is King and Lord of all, and our obedience will allow us to continue to participate. In contrast, our disobedience or disrespect for the rules will cause us to be ejected. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV

  • You don't know you are in Left Field unless you know where Home Plate is. There must be a point in every life, as well as building projects to which everything is measured. Hikers use a compass to determine North, builders use a plumb line, and baseball players use home plate to determine where they should stand to be correct for their position. Who among the gods is like you, LORD? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? Exodus 15:11 There is only one measurement for our lives, the Trinity: the holy Father, the Only Son, and the Spirit provided to us. If we know what is expected, we will know when we are in the wrong place and how to correct where we stand.

There are many more baseball lessons that I will share another time. To the baseball moms in the heat this summer: enjoy your child. To all parents and grandparents spending time with children this summer: God illustrates His rules for living in most any situation, if we are paying attention. Make every opportunity to glorify Him by acknowledging His goodness around you. Stay cool and praise the LORD for what He is doing in and through the children in your life, whatever their age or activities

Father, wherever we find ourselves this summer, may You speak to our hearts, enoucrage us in our walk to see and understand life lessons that will allow us to continue to walk, play, rest in your Presence. All praise glory and honor are Yours. Amen.


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